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Exercise to Boost Your Writing!

I'm reading Norman Mailer's "The Spooky Art: Some Thoughts on Writing," and came across a great little passage.  Mailer, who wrote great books like The Fight (a nonfiction account of "The Rumble in the Jungle"), Executioner's Song, and The Naked and the Dead, writes:

Before we can talk about lore, skill, or practice, it may prove of use to discuss the most common occupational hazard of the writer--a bad mood.

What a wonderful little piece of advice!  Mailer was a divisive figure in the literary world, but he's a gifted and bold writer who has some wonderful writing tips for us fledgling academics.

Mailer has good ideas about writing
Anyways, back to good moods. Have you ever noticed that you are way more productive on days where you feel happy and relaxed?  Have you also noticed that anxiety cripples your ability to sit down and crank out some pages?  I've tried to pay more attention to my writing mood lately, and have noticed that my best sessions occur when I'm feeling calm, healthy, and energized.  This state waxes and wanes, and sometimes you get on a good writing streak irrespective of your mood, but Mailer has a bigger point.  Good moods inspire productive work.

How then do we cultivate our mood so that every day is productive?  I think exercise, sleep, and eating well play huge parts.  I won't go into the latter two today, but wanted to reflect a little bit on exercise and writing productivity.

Laura Vanderkam has a very interesting take on this very topic.  In her book, "What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast," Vanderkam interviewed a bunch of successful people in business, academia, politics, and find that many share a similar habit: They wake up early and exercise first thing in the morning.

Hunting for the Brabo Choke in Acores!
This is something that Business Insider also recently outlined.  Time after time, you find that productive people are good at making time for exercise.  Some go on long runs, others walk their dog, and still others hit the gym, pool, or yoga studio.  In truth, the type of exercise you do probably doesn't matter all that much. For boosting productivity, having a routine workout schedule is already a huge boost.  By adopting a regular exercise routine (even if it's 2-3 times per week), you will find yourself managing your interim time better.  You will also feel more alert and ready to crank out some pages. Exercise reduces stress is good for the immune system, is a great way to lose weight, and it releases endorphins into your brain, which regulates moods.

I don't often work out in the morning, but try to build a solid workout into every afternoon.  Whether it's jiu jitsu, swimming, or dancing, I feel much more creative and relaxed after having a good sweat.  What about you? What types of exercise do you use to springboard your productivity?  Please like and share the good vibes!


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